The Division for Late Medieval and Reformation Studies is a center for research that examines the European era from approximately 1400 to 1800, referred to in the historical profession as Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe.
The Division's governing principles are as follows:
- to contribute to the teaching mission of the University by providing the exceptional interdisciplinary training of graduate students for which we are internationally regarded;
- through distinguished research and publication, to contribute our erudition as faculty members to the world of scholarship and our fame to the reputation of the University of Arizona;
- by unstinting service to the profession in numerous capacities, to lend our expertise and energy to our colleagues and simultaneously focus attention on the University of Arizona;
- by outreach to respond to the frequent needs of the broader academic community within the University of Arizona and of the community of Southern Arizona;
- and by assiduous fundraising to enhance the opportunities for our students beyond a level permitted by ordinary fiscal means.