
Doctoral Degrees Awarded

Benjamin Miller (Ph.D. 2024)

"Serving Three Masters? Hessian Military Chaplains Between Church, State, and Regiment (c.1650-1800)"


Cory Davis (Ph.D. 2022)

"Adapting to Toleration: Swiss Anabaptist Refugees in the Electoral Palatinate, 1650-1711"

Kristen Howard (Ph.D. 2020)
"'A House Dedicated to God': Social Welfare and the General Hospital in Reformation Geneva, 1535-1564"

Liaison Librarian (tenure track) for History, Classics, and Indigenous Studies, McGill Library, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

David Neufeld (Ph.D. 2018)
"Marginal Coexistence: Anabaptists between Persecution and Toleration in Reformed Zurich, 1585-1650."

Assistant Professor, Department of History, Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada


Adam Hough (Ph.D. 2017)
"The Meckhart Confession: Moderate Religion in an Age of Militancy"
Published asThe Peace of Augsburg and the Meckhart Confession: Moderate Religion in an Age of Militancy  Routledge Research in Early Modern History. New York: Routledge, 2019.

Constable, 11 Division, Toronto Police Service, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Elizabeth Ellis-Marino (Ph.D. 2015)
"Politics, Nobility, and Religion in an Ecclesiastical State: Baronial Families in Paderborn 1568-1661"

Lecturer, California State University, East Bay


Paul A. Buehler (Ph.D. 2015)
"So That The Common Man May See What Kind of Tree Bears Such Harmful Fruit: Defamation, Dissent, and Censorship in the Holy Roman Empire, ca. 1555-1648"

Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Loyola University New Orleans


Amy M. Newhouse (Ph.D. 2015)

"Outside the Walls: Civic Belonging and Contagious Disease in Sixteenth-Century Nuremberg"

Assistant Professor of History, Department of History, Lone Star College 


Sean E. Clark (Ph.D. 2013)
"Protestants in Palestine: Reformation of Holy Land Pilgrimage in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries"

Head of School, BASIS, Tucson North, Arizona


Thomas A. Donlan (Ph.D. 2011)
"The Reform of Zeal: François de Sales and Militant Catholicism during the French Wars of Religion"
Published as: The Reform of Zeal: François de Sales and Militant Catholicism, St Andrews Studies in French History and Culture, no. 9. Centre for French History and Culture of the University of St Andrews. 2008.

Teacher, Religious Studies Department, Brophy College Preparatory


Julie H. Kang (Ph.D. 2010)
"Winning the Catholic Reformation Through the Conversion of Female Protestants: The Education of Les Nouvelles Catholiques in Seventeenth-Century France"

Adjunct Instructor of History, Glendale Community College

Brandon Hartley (Ph.D. 2007)
"War and Tolerance: Catholic Polemic in Lyon During the French Religious Wars"

Chair, Social Studies Department, Wasatch Academy


James Blakeley (Ph.D. 2006)
"Negotiating the 'Reformation from Without': Popular Responses to Religious Change in the Pays de Vaud"

Professor of History, Department of History, St. Joseph's College


Joshua Rosenthal (Ph.D. 2005)
"The Sword That Divides and Bonds That Tie: Faith and Family in the French Wars of Religion"

Chief Scientific Officer, RowdMapU Interactive Learning Center


Victoria Christman (Ph.D. 2005)
"Drama, Death, and Dissent: Inquisition in the Early Modern Low Countries"
Published as: Pragmatic Toleration: The Politics of Religious Heterodoxy in Early Reformation Antwerp, 1515-1555 Changing Perspectives on Early Modern Europe. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2015.

Director of Centre for Global Learning and Professor, Department of History, Luther College


Joel Van Amberg (Ph.D. 2004)

"A Real Presence: Religious and Social Dynamics of the Eucharistic Controversies in Early Modern Augsburg, 1520-1530"
Published as: A Real Presence: Religious and Social Dynamics of the Eucharistic Conflicts in Early Modern Augsburg, 1520-1530. Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, vol. 158. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2012.

Professor of History, Department of History and Museum Studies, Tusculum University 


Robert J. Christman (Ph.D. 2004)

"Heretics in Luther's Homeland: The Controversy over Original Sin in Late Sixteenth-Century Mansfeld"
Published as: Doctrinal Controversy and Lay Religiosity in Late Reformation Germany: The Case of Mansfeld. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, vol. 157. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2012.

Professor, Department of History, Luther College

Michael W. Bruening (Ph.D. 2002)

"Bern, Geneva, or Rome? The Struggle for Religious Conformity and Confessional Unity in Early Reformation Switzerland"
Published as: Calvinism's First Battleground: Conflict and Reform in the Pays de Vaud, 1528-1559. Studies in Early Modern Religious Reforms, vol. 4. Dordrecht: Springer, 2006.

Professor, Department of History and Political Science, Missouri University of Science and Technology


Jonathan Reid (Ph.D. 2001)
"King's Sister—Queen of Dissent: Marguerite of Navarre, 1492-1549, and her Evangelical Network" 
Published as: King's Sister—Queen of Dissent: Marguerite of Navarre, 1492-1549, and her Evangelical Network. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, vol. 139. Leiden, Boston: E.J. Brill, 2009.

Professor, Department of History, East Carolina University


John Frymire (Ph.D. 2001)

"Pestilence and Reformation: Catholic Preaching and a Recurring Crisis in Sixteenth-Century Germany" 

Published as: The Primacy of the Postils: Catholics, Protestants, and the Dissemination of Ideas in Early Modern Germany. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, vol. 147. Leiden, Boston: E. J. Brill, 2009.

Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Department of History, University of Missouri

Peter A. Dykema - (Ph.D. 1998) 

"Conflicting Expectations: Parish Priests in Late Medieval Germany"

Professor of History, Department of History & Political Science, Arkansas Tech University


Michael Milway - (Ph.D. 1997) 

"The Burden and the Beast: An Oracle of Apocalyptic Reform in Early Sixteenth-Century Salzburg"

Faculty, Department of History & Humanities, Boston Trinity Academy


Scott M. Manetsch - (Ph.D. 1997) 

"Between Geneva and Paris: Theodore de Beza and the Pacification of the Reformed Movement in France"
Published as: Theodore Beza and the Quest for Peace in France, 1572-1598, Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, vol. 79. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2000.

Professor of Church History and the History of Christian Thought, Department of Church History, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


J. Jeffery Tyler - (Ph.D. 1995)

"Banishing the Bishops: The 'Episcopus Exclusus' in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany"

Published as: Lord of the Sacred City: The 'Episcopus Exclusus' in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany, Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, vol. 72. Leiden: Brill, 1999.

Professor of Religion, Department of Religion, Hope College


Eric Leland Saak - (Ph.D. 1993)

"Religio Augustini: Jordan of Quedlinburg and the Augustinian Tradition in Late Medieval Germany"

Published as: High Way to Heaven: The Augustinian Platform Between Reform and Reformation, 1292-1524, Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, vol. 89. Boston: E.J. Brill, 2002.

Professor of History, Department of History, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis


Sigrun Haude - (Ph.D. 1993)

"The Rule of Fear: The Impact of Anabaptist 'Terror,' 1534-1535"

Published as: In the Shadow of Savage Wolves: Anabaptist Muenster and the German Reformation during the 1530s, Studies in Central European Histories. Boston: Humanities Press, 2000.

Professor, Department of History, University of Cincinnati


Andrew Colin Gow - (Ph.D. 1993)

"The Red Jews: Apocalypticism and Anti-Semitism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany"

Published as: The Red Jews: Anti-Semitism in an Apocalyptic Age, 1200-1600, Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, vol. 55. Leiden, New York: E.J. Brill, 1995.

Professor Emeritus, Department of History & Classics, University of Alberta


Curtis V. Bostick - (Ph.D. 1993)

"The Antichrist and the Lollards: Apocalypticism in Late Medieval and Reformation England"

Published as: The Antichrist and the Lollards: Apocalypticism in Late Medieval and Reformation England, Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, vol. 70 (Leiden, Boston: E.J. Brill, 1998).

Professor of History, Department of History, Sociology, and Anthropology, Southern Utah University


Robert J. Bast - (Ph.D. 1993)

"Honor Your Fathers: The Emergence of a Patriarchal Ideology in Early Modern Germany"

Published as: Honor Your Fathers: Catechisms and the Emergence of a Patriarchal Ideology in Germany, 1400-1600, Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, vol. 63. Leiden, New York: E.J. Brill, 1997.
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Tennessee

Master's Degrees Awarded

Kaitlyn Centini Hanmore (M.A. 2022)

Program Analyst, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Dean Matteo Messinger (M.A. 2021)

"'A New Form, a New Shape, and a New History': Revolt and Reformation in Sixteenth-century Vienna, 1519-1524"

Senior Administrative Coordinator, History and Women and Gender Studies Departments, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles


Hannah McClain (M.A. 2020)

"'Within and Without His Religion': The Formation of the Colonial Mexican Jesuits 1600-1650"

PhD student, Department of History, The University of Texas at Austin

Patrick D. Meeks (M.A. 2013)

"Shaping Schwankbucher Reception, 1555-1560"


Hayley R. Rucker (M.A. 2012)
Pursuing the Ph.D. in the Department of History at the University of California, Berkeley


Daniel Jones (M.A. 2011)

"'Incompetent, Unskilled Carpenters:' Strassburg's Religious Reforms in the Early Years of the Reformation"

Pursuing the Ph.D. in the Department of History at Yale University


Adam Asher Duker (M.A. 2009; Ph.D. University of Notre Dame, 2016)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History Mount Holyoke College


Tod Meinke (M.A. 2008)
Senior Database Administrator, Kelmar Associates, Austin, Texas


Benjamin Kulas  (M.A. 2005)
Faculty, History, Social Sciences Division, Middlesex School, Concord, Massachusetts


Han Song (M.A. 2002)
Brookside Capital, Boston, Massachusetts

Atilla Vékony (M.A. 1998)
Senior Digital Marketing Specialist, Hughes Federal Credit Union, Tucson, Arizona


J. Derek Halvorson (M.A. 1998; Ph.D. Loyola University, Chicago, 2008)
President, Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia


Nicole Kuropka (M.A. 1997; Ph.D. Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal, 2001)
Privatdozentin at Wuppertal/Bethel Seminary, Germany


Brad S. Gregory (M.A. 1989; Ph.D. Princeton, 1996)
Professor of History and Dorothy G. Griffin Collegiate Chair in European History, Department of History, University of Notre Dame